好きな漫画がアニメ化されるたびに違和感を覚えますが、ことVOMICに関しては完璧です。さらに思わぬ効能として、絵により集中できるのも良い点。漫画ではついセリフを追いかけるのに夢中になり、絵を眺めるのが疎かになるのですが、VOMICでは素晴らしいアフレコもあって、ついついそのセリフを話す話者の絵に集中させられます。ちょうど吹き替え版の映画を見るのと同じような感じ。OVA等作らず、このまま全話 VOMIC化して欲しいところです。
参照 : 『帝一の國』集英社ヴォイスコミックステーション VOMIC
【En】Information about VOMIC was added into the page of Teiichi no Kuni though it was too late.
For the first time, I watched VOMIC and am surprised all aspects of it such as voice actors interpretation and powers of expression, movement of frames, sound effects and so on.
Whenever my favorite comic became animation, it provide me a feeling of strangeness but this VOMIC is perfect solution. And another effect is that it concentrate my eyes to drawings not scripts. While my reading, I just follow the story line and tend to be neglected. But in this style, it focus on a face expression who is speaking now as like as over-dubbed movies. Of course that is the result of great voice actors’ works. I hope all episodes become VOMIC, not OVA and others….
By the way, above image is compose of frame image and content image. Though I captured the screen, it could not capture the contents even if the whole screen capture. It seems to be using some interesting technical method..
Ref : Teiichi no Kuni Shueisha Voice Comic Station VOMIC【/En】