『ショートカッツ』再発! ただし、英語版の話Short Cuts English edition reprinted!


… って、すみません、英語版の話です。
順調に兎丸さんの本が翻訳されていったフランス語版と異なり、英語版は最初に『Short Cuts』が2002年に出て以来、長い間、出版されませんでした。最近になって『Genkaku Picasso (幻覚ピカソ)』、『Lychee Light Club (ライチ☆光クラブ)』、『No Longer Human (人間失格)』と立て続けに出版され、ファンも増えてきたためでしょうか、『Short Cuts』の再発です。嬉しいですね。

翻って日本語版は再販も含めて品切れ状態。最近の作品は男子校生、男性の話が中心で、そんな作家さんかと思っている人には読んでいただきたいものです。是非、再発を > 小学館様

【En】Usamaru-san’s 2nd publishing Short Cuts that includes tons of school girls were reprinted recently. It is good news for relative new fun of Usamaru-san because they were out of printing for a long time.


Although French editions were published one by one, English editions were not appeared after the Short Cuts was released at 2002. After 10 years, suddenly Usamaru-sans book were rushed such Genkaku Picasso, Lychee Light Club and No Longer Human. It must increase the number of funs, now Short Cuts were reprinted. Great!

But how about Japan? Now we cannot get them even 2nd edition. Recent Usamaru-sans books were school boys oriented and relative new fun may not believe his cute touch of girls face. Please reprint them so that younger fun can take it > Shogakukan publishing company.
