4/26 舞台「ライチ☆光クラブ」DVD発売!On 26th Apr. DVD of Litchi Hikari Club the stage will be released.



また本編 124分 に加えて特典映像が 41 分。ノリさんのつぶやきでは「光クラブスペシャル座談会」の収録は相当盛り上がったようですので、こちらの面も「お馬鹿な男子会」的な感じで期待です。

現在、amazon での予約は演劇部門で第1位。いいですね。そして劇場で申し込み、代金払込済み、店頭受取にしている方(私もです!)は、申込用紙を探し出し、渋谷TSUTAYAに向かいましょう。

On Friday 26th April 2013, DVD of Litchi Hikari Club stage edition will be released.

The last year, I could get the ticket luckily and spent the wonderful time of complete stage in front of me. Though the story was full of serious and madness, there was funny scene such as Jaibo’s death because it was too heavy… The direction of Junko Emoto realized such abnormal moods on the stage. It was great! Of course actors and staff did good jobs. I am so happy so that I can re-experience the same time with this DVD.

This DVD includes not only main stage of 124 minutes but also special contents of 41 minutes. Nori-san tweeted as this Hikari Club Special dialogues caused many laughs and speeches. It must be funny for us, too!

Amazon is ranking #1 to this DVD for stage area. Hm. And if you already applied the form with 6000 Yen at the stage entrance as like a me, search the receipt and go to Shibuya TSUTAYA on this Friday to get DVD with 3 special post cards!
