映画版『ライチ☆光クラブ』キャストオーディション決定Cast audition of Litchi Hikari Club the movie


なお HAKUEIさんがツイート

どちらかというと、審査する方ですが…(-_☆) RT @GivemeNoise: @hakueiman ハクエイさんはオーディション受けないんですか(●´∀`●)?




ところで申し込みのページで知りましたが、映画の公開時期は 2014年(予定)だそうです。結構先に思えますが、舞台版も1年前には予告されていましたからね、そんなものなのでしょう。


参照 : オーディションバンク
Litchi Hikari Club the movie will select some casts from audition.

For detail about it, go to the web site Audition Bank and login after the register. The target date of apply is Friday 31st May 2013.

HAKUEI-san tweeted

It seems to me to be a judge rather than applier … (-_☆) RT @GivemeNoise: @hakueiman Don’t you apply the audition, Hakuei-san?(●´∀`●)?

so, he will be one of judges.
In fact, after the stage of Lichi, Junko Emoto, the director of stage thanked to HAKUEI-san

HAKUEI-san! Your raw impression from the man to Kanon was very useful to create the Kanon of Honokarin in that stage.

From above page, I knew the release year of the movie is 2014. It seems to be far future, but the stage edition was also announced one year before. One year would be required time to create commercial products as common.

I was also impressed by the existence of web services that makes the match in the audition process. Hum.

Ref : Audition Bank【/En】