ドイツのAmazonからの荷物が到着しました。本体 13.08 EURO、送料 8.20 EURO、合計 21.28 EURO。円高の時に買っておけば…。
もちろん中身は読めません (`・ω・´)キリッっ
【En】Package from Amazon Deutschland has arrived. Book price 13.08 EURO, ship fee 8.20 EURO, total 21.28 EURO. I should buy it while Yen was stronger than today…
Do you know that Amazons in Europe use the same wrapping papers which have each country’s logo?
I bought Palepoli French edition. Buying this book from Amazon Deutshland was cheaper than buying it from Amazon French.
I can not read contents, of course (`・ω・´)キリッっ