3/22(金) 夜で整理番号は 120番台 です。お店の人(丁寧にいろいろ教えてくれました。ありがとうございます!)も驚くような売れ行きらしく「朝から問い合わせの電話がずっと鳴ってるんですよ。この週末でなくなるでしょうね」とのこと。などと会話している所に電話が鳴るし。まだの方はお早めにどうぞ。
【En】I got numbered tickets of signature event of Manga brothers for release of Reizoko no naka no Natto Zamurai.
My number was 120s at the night of Friday 22 March. A store stuff who was very kindly, thanks ! – had been surprised at the sales and said “Today I got so many phone calls about this event. The tickets must be sold out within this weekend.”. and phone rang while our conversation. So, you should hurry up if you wan to attend the event.
By the way, I am always awful glad when I enter the Village Vanguard and watch their heavy pushing of Usamaru-san. Today, I can see the advertisement of event near the counter and Usamaru-san’s shelf in the comics corner. I also noticed detail explanation of Manga brothers on the book. It is definitely needed because no name other than Manga brothers in this book. Good job!
A store stuff said that not only sub culture funs as like as me, mother and children had come to buy this book Hm. will mother and children join this signature event?