
最終更新: 2011年11月 / Last Updated Nov 2011

要更新 – 旧サイトから移行したもの / Under Construction. This page was just migrated from old site without any adaptation.

Palepoli 1st Palepoli 2nd Palepoli 3rd palepoli4_front_s


  • Palepoli : 月刊ガロ(青林堂) 1994年9月号~1996年5月号に掲載されたものに加筆修正 (ただし1994年10月号、1995年12月号、1996年2月、3月、4月号を除く。二色頁は描き下し)
  • Deatch Comi : 江口寿史責任編集COMIC CUE(イーストプレス)vol,2 カバーバージョン特集 1996
  • USAMARU THEATER : 演劇ぶっく(演劇ぶっく社) 1995年8月号~1996年6月号(原題なし)
  • ある愛の証 : 初収録未発表原稿 (第3版のみ収録

Palepoli / 青林堂 / ISBN : 4792602726 / 1300円
挿画・装丁 : 古屋兎丸

Palepoli / 青林堂 / ISBN : 4792603161 / 980円 + 税
挿画 : 古屋兎丸
装幀 : D

Palepoli / 太田出版 / ISBN : 4872337492 / 1000円 + 税
挿画 : 古屋兎丸
装丁 : 古屋兎丸、新上ヒロシ+能仁めぐみ(


「美術手帖」 2006年2月号

『Palepoli』に登場する「人造人間ビダイセー」(p.127)には複雑な思いが込められていますね。 非常に洗練されたものを求めたたからかもしれないけど、僕らが集まると学生運動の総括のように、批判の応酬になるんですよ。 卒業後の展望は見えないし、閉鎖的なその世界を信じなければ自分たちは生きていけないと思い込んでいる。


  • 『Wsamarus 2001』 — 「USAMARU THEATER」の続きである、演劇ぶっく連載作品「ミトメラレタアソビ」が掲載されている。





* 太字は間違いと思われるもの。
* 「えぐちせんせ」の次には、「い」が入る。





* 太字は間違いと思われるもの。



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本体には脚注が多数、挿入されている。帯の訳は次のとおり (翻訳 : 金さん。Thanks!)
「死ぬ前に読むべき漫画50」に選定! (イミョンソクの愉快な日本漫画遍歴記より)
古屋兎丸の最強 * 最高のデビュー作!

警告 : 19歳未満の青少年に販売禁止!

【En】Palepoli 1st Palepoli 2nd Palepoli 3rd palepoli4_front_s
First edition, Second edition, Third edition and Hangul edition


  • Palepoli : Monthly GARO (Seirindo) from September 1994 issue to May 19996 issue, except October 1994, December 1995, February, March, April 1996 issues. 2 colored pages are newly drawn for this book
  • Deatch Comi : Responsible edited by Hisashi Eguchi, COMIC CUE(East press)vol,2 Cover version special 1996
  • USAMARU THEATER : Engeki book (theater book) (Engeki book co.) From August 1995 to June 1996 (no title)
  • ARU AI NO AKASHI (One of proof of love) : Unpublished work (Third edition only)

First edition
Palepoli / Seirindo / ISBN : 4792602726 / 1300 yen
Cover illustration & design : Usamaru Furuya

First edition. Hard cover.
Title characters and frame are embossed.
Title of book body was composed by 2 page. One page has only Cupid’s wing, and another has Cupid.
The same illustration was reused as an cover of anthology Secret Comics Japan.

Second edition
Palepoli / Seirindo / ISBN : 4792603161 / 980 yen + tax
Cover illustration : Usamaru Furuya
Cover Design : D

Revised edition. Soft cover.
Cover illustration is a clipping work from first edition. Original illustration of front cover is used as wallpaper of copyright page and illustration of back cover (Takashi) is used as the last page of the book. Both pages are black and white.
Title of book body was composed by 2 page. One page has only Cupid’s wing, and another has Cupid.
The page of Cupid’s wing in a tilte of first edtion was removed.
Author’s afterword is printed on the book body, means under the cover.

Third edition
Palepoli / Ohta Publishing Co. / ISBN : 4872337492 / 1000 yen + tax
Cover illustration : Usamaru Furuya
Cover Design : Usamaru Furuya, Hiroshi Niigami+Megumi Nohnin (

Revised edition from new company. Soft cover.
Newly includes unpublished manga “The proof of love”, he draw befor his debut under the name of Tsuyoshi(?) Furuya.
Revival of cover illustration & design and new author’s afterword. Title of book body was composed by color printed angel and black and while printed angel.
Illustration on the reverse of the front cover of the first edition was separated and reallocated into reverse of the front cover and back cover, each. Illustration on the reverse of the back cover of the first edition was printed on the surface of book body, means under the cover.

Usamaru-san’s comment

Monthly magazine Bijutsu Techou (art handbook) February 2006 issue

Jinzou Ningen Bidaisee (artificial droid Mr. Art Student) (p.127) was drawn with my mixed emotions. We (Note: Usamaru Furuya was Art scrool student) might have seeked the most sophisticated one, so if we gather together, we begun to exchange of criticism like a summary of student movements. We didn’t have prospect after our graduation, and we had assumed that we could not alive without
this closed community.

Reference articles

  • The sequel of USAMARU THEATER Mitomerareta Asobi (Unforbidden Play) included in Wsamarus 2001

Decryption of ciphered afterword

Authors afterword was written as ancient Palepoli letters. Decryption of ciphered afterwords are as follows;

First Edition


Four-frame cartoons which 2 years ago are drawn for the first time became the acceptance work, and before I knew it, they are regularly serialized in magazine, and now all drawn pages became this book without any pages are dropped.

Tezuka sensei was said to be drawn 1000 pages of manuscripts for his 400 pages cartoon Kitarubeki Sekai (Upcoming world). That’s God of Manga. The scale is different from the bourgeois like me.

In Palepoli, though they are four-fram cartoons, I wanted to together each peace into the world filled with malices, irreligions, parodies or delusions and would face to ruin gradually. But, I was not good enough to do. The method of ending might have been force one.

In Death Comi, I could draw them very peasantly so that I could openly draw parody. Appreciates goes to Eguchi sensei who gave me a chance.

Lastly the people of the reader, everyone especially who deciphers this ancient Palepoli letter, thank you. Also Chikao Shiratori who accepted every selfishnesses of mine, and Tanabe who had supported, thank you so much!

Usamaru Furuya

Second edtion

Afterwords revised edition

First edition of Palepoli was so luxurious making that they knew the more they sells, the more they lost. What a loveable company, Seirindo, because they notice it after they made the books for 4 years from first edition!

Usamaru Furuya

Third edition


I am extremely pleased with re-released Palepoli from Ohta Publishing Co.
This is my debut work.
It was one and a half year of joys and sorrows. because almost the first time I had ever drawn manga.
While drawing it, I prepared even the death when I finished.
I poured everything of vigor into this book.
Therefore I love this manga and I think this manga itself is even one miracle.
I thought I was happy and glad to be alive, because I just could send this book out to the world.
I feel ashamed to blow my own horn, but I confessed honestly because none reading here.
This time, Oka-san of Ohta Publishing Co. helped me so much. thank you.
And you, who deciphered this letter, I love you.

Usamaru Furuya

Cover Art

First edition

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Second edition

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Third edition

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International edition

Hangul edition

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Palepoli / ; (semicolon corp.) / ISBN : 978-89-8371-384-1 / 8000 Won
28 November 2008

Hangeul edition. A5 size. Soft cover
Based on Ohta Publishing’s new edition but Aru Ai no Akashi (The proof of love) is eliminated.
Golden parts of cover illustration were changed to silver. Edge color was changed to red. Omote1 – 4 of book were inserted as a top page as Omote2 (p.1), Omote1 & 4 (p2, p3), Omote3 (p4). The angel in color print at the top page was eliminated. This edition starts from mono colored angel page.
Many foot print notation werw added.

The meaning of advertisement band is as follows (translated by Kim-san. Thanks!)
advertisement band (front):
Selected in “Must read before you die 50 mangas” (funny Japanese manga odyssey)
Serialized in the legendary manga magazine “Garo”
Usamaru Furuya’s most powerful and the best debut work!
Overwhelming techniques and sophisticated and incisive sense of humor!!

advertisement band (back):
Attention F Sales to people under the age of 19 are banned!
Humorless, inflexible person should avoid this book!
This manga over the bounds of common sense.
